We represent and promote the interest of commercial and non-profit organizations in public authorities

About company


Professional support for external corporate relations

GR support of projects

Effective interaction with:

Participation in external risk management

• Ensuring a positive attitude towards client projects in government
• Monitoring of legislative and regulatory activity
• Ensuring promotion of regulatory initiatives
• Organization of GR contacts with key officials
• Representation of interests in public associations, business associations
• Building coalitions of support
• Prompt GR-response in case of problems, crises
• Legislative
• Regulatory
• Reputational
  • Authorities of the Russian Federation
  • Commissions, working groups, expert councils
  • With professional communities and opinion leaders
  • International associations (EAEU, SCO, BRICS)
• Information and analytical support, GR-consulting for Client management
• Analysis of decision makers, formation of maps of stakeholders and plans for interaction with them
• Proactive relationship management with decision makers
• Formation of tools for representing and promoting the interests of the client
• Authorities of the Russian Federation
• Commissions, working groups, expert councils
• Professional communities and opinion leaders
• International associations (EAEU, CIS, SCO, BRICS)

Participation in external risk management

  • Legislative;
  • Regulatory;
  • Reputational.

Professional support for external corporate relations

Effective interaction with:

  • Authorities of the Russian Federation;
  • Commissions, working groups, expert councils;
  • With professional communities and opinion leaders;
  • International associations (EAEU, SCO, BRICS).
  • Information and analytical support, GR-consulting for Client management;
  • Analysis of decision makers, formation of maps of stakeholders and plans for interaction with them;
  • Proactive relationship management with decision makers;
  • Formation of tools for representing and promoting the interests of the client.


GR support of projects

  • Ensuring a positive attitude towards client projects in government;
  • Monitoring of legislative and regulatory activity;
  • Ensuring promotion of regulatory initiatives;
  • Organization of GR contacts with key officials;
  • Representation of interests in public associations, business associations;
  • Building coalitions of support;
  • Prompt GR-response in case of problems, crises.


Some clients

Media communication business

Automotive industry

Light and heavy industrial, energy

Consumer goods, trade

Civil society institutions, non-profit organizations, associations

Law, consulting

Contribution to the development of the GR industry


    © 2009-2023
    ITN: 7707786920
    PSRNSP: 1127747035437
    Actual address: Kapranova Lane, 3, Premier Plaza Business Centre, office 427, Moscow, 123242